
Saturday, February 26, 2005

Terri Shiavo 

Every parent of any disabled child- every Jew- every black- every gypsy- every person of any group that has ever been discriminated against- every single one should check out http://www.terrisfight.org/ and fight for the right of Terri to live. Once you see the facts, no civilized person would do otherwise.

Friday, February 18, 2005

The Church is under seige 

If you take our religious freedom for granted, you need to read this article. This should be sobering for every pastor and Christian in the country. Either we wake up to the very real battle we are in, or we probably deserve to loose our freedom.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Never ever Forget 

This is a good reminder, never to forget the men and women who are now suffering, that we might enjoy our freedom. We owe them, and we owe them big.

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