
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Illegal Aliens and the Fight for Survival 

Illegal Aliens and the Fight for Survival
By Eduardo Buck Schmidt

The whole discussion of illegal aliens is a very sensitive topic. Some insist, correctly in my opinion, that we are being invaded by a foreign army, intent in taking over parts of the United States, and they have the proof of it from the very mouths of those leading the invaders. There are many others that defend the right of people of all nations to come to our great United States of America at any time, and in any manner, under the protection of the “melting pot” flag and flaunt our laws to pursue the “American dream”.

This is an emotional subject for me, as an American citizen married to a Brazilian. We have made great pains to do everything legally, by the book, in her going to the United States, and in me coming to Brazil. We are very careful, as we believe that God demands of us as Christians, to try to follow the law of the land as closely as we possibly can. That has often meant for us long waits, inconvenience, and high expense, but we deem it worth the expense to maintain a clean conscience.

After getting married in Brazil in 1993 and living in Brazil for a year, in 1994 we decided to move to the United States. We decided that we would not apply for a tourist visa, and then just stay, as that would not be honest. We applied for an immigrant visa for my wife. They initially told us that it would take at least three months. They told me to go to the States and wait for her to get the visa. I declined, not wanting to leave my wife in Brazil and be separated for an unknown length of time. I decided to stay in Brazil, and got a job as a translator on a boat for a local medical mission on the Amazon.

In reality, after sending documents, resending documents, and wading through red tape, it took us 8 months to get the immigrant visa for my wife, Luciene. We had to travel first to Brasilia for an initial interview, return to the Amazon region and wait for a couple more months, and then we were called to the other side of the country, Rio de Janeiro, for the final interview. All of this cost us, and cost us dearly. Luciene immigrated to the United States legally, and we lived there for 7 years and had two children.

Just this week, we tried to schedule an appointment for Luciene for her new tourist visa interview. We had a one and a half month wait to even be able to schedule the interview. My wife lived in the United States, and has a valid green card, but we chose to return to Brazil in 2001 as church planting missionaries. We pay a high price to maintain everything legally correct. It has cost us, but we do not view it as an onerous burden, it is merely the law, and it is our duty to follow the law.

Offering amnesty to those that have flaunted our laws, and are in the United States illegally not only encourages more lawlessness, it is a slap in the face to those of us that spend our time, our money, and our resources to meticulously follow the law, and have done so for years.

It is the greatest insult to those that abide by the law to reward those that break the law. It is an injustice to pass laws, and demand that they be followed, penalize those that follow them both financially and through lost time and bureaucratic frustration, and then have the audacity to turn around and reward those that broke those very laws.

I for one get extremely angry when I hear of offering amnesty to illegal aliens. It makes me angry, even though I have many friends that are in the States illegally, and I know that they have come in search of the American dream. When I think of them, their lives, the happy families and how they have been blessed to be able to be in the USA, I hesitate to say that they should have to leave. I know and love many of them; they are my friends, and I do want the best for them. But the best for them must include following the law. Many of them have lied, have forged documents, and have suffered low pay doing humiliating jobs because they are illegal, and now they are securing freedom after years of struggle. They should be offered the opportunity to lawfully pursue the “American dream”. Offering blanket amnesty is not the solution, it is a disaster that will only cause illegal immigration to increase, but at the same time, there must be a solution offered to those that have worked here for years, and become contributing members of society.

I would be remiss to offer criticisms, and not offer a solution, so here it is. Give a 90 day grace period in which those that are in the States illegally can settle up, sell houses, pack, get airline tickets, and get out of the country with no penalty and no immigration charges filed against them. Register those that are here that are leaving peacefully and lawfully, and put them first in a queue for future interviews to be able to re-enter legally in the future. When they register, they must offer fingerprints and DNA, which can be checked against the crime and unsolved cases databases. After the 90-day grace period, begin rounding up those that remain illegally, seizing their assets, their houses, and their cars and auctioning them off to help fund the continuing operation.

Those that are caught illegally after the grace period can be shipped to the border to live in tent cities and wear pink underwear, where they will serve on chain gangs, digging trenches and building a border fence, since as we are incessantly told by the media and Benedict Arnold politicians that illegal aliens do the jobs that Americans “won’t” do, and no Americans (other than the Minutemen) seem willing to do the work of building a border fence. After long hours of hard work in the grueling sun, they could be invited daily to hear classes on the constitution, constitutional law, and the importance of justice, and following the law.

Once the border fence is finished along the complete stretch of the southern border, those here illegally can be tossed over to the other side and encouraged to have mass demonstrations in the streets of their own countries, demanding change, demanding an end to the crippling corruption, and demanding justice and reform from their very own government. The classes they were given on constitutional law will be invaluable for them during this time. They could even be given United States flags to wave on the streets of their own countries, as a beacon of freedom and hope that they could one day hope to attain to.

Seizure and forfeiture of all possessions for those in the States illegally will be a swift and sure deterrent to further illegal immigration. We should also implement a three strikes rule for those caught repeatedly entering illegally. When they are caught for the third time, they would receive a long chain gang work sentence and start work on the northern border fence if the southern one is already complete, and they would be given a permanent denial of any future entry whatsoever, and face death by firing squad on any subsequent illegal entries. That alone will absolutely put a stop to illegal entry, guaranteed.

The money that we have been spending to catch the criminal elements and the sexual predators here illegally (http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=50441) can be better spent streamlining the process whereby we receive and integrate immigrants that spend the time and the resources to run the paperwork gauntlet and obtain visas legally. Those that are in the United States illegally have broken the law which makes them criminals, and they must be treated as such until they are willing to abide by the laws of our great land.

I predict, that unless a politician comes forward with the courage to stand up and do and say what is right and enforce our existing immigration laws and secure our borders, regardless of whether they will be labeled “racist” or other childish labels by those that break the law and those that encourage others to break the law, the American people will kick out the bums and elect someone from an independent party that shows the moral fortitude to maintain our States united.

Those are the stakes- not just some law or other, but our very survival. If we do not stand up now, and I mean now, and defend the laws of our great country, our great country will simply cease to be. We will see, within a generation, States begin to secede, and we will become the UUSA, Un-United States of America, the DSA, the Divided States of America, or the OGUSA, the Once Great United States of America.

The invasion of a foreign army is well under way. Either we stand our ground and fight courageously now, or we retreat, and whine ineffectively while playing with our TV remote and ultimately, we die. Either the melting pot is used to produce righteous God loving, English speaking, patriotic Americans from all tongues, nations and peoples, or the melting pot becomes useless, and is broken into slag, and the pieces thrown out to be trampled under foot by men. Make no mistake. Our very survival is at stake.

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