
Monday, March 22, 2004

I have been reflecting on the reasons that I felt it necessary to start a Blog called Rants from the Radical Right. One of the things that come to mind is that I have finally discovered what is the real enemy of Freedom.

I have heard numerous ideas about what is the “true” enemy of freedom. Some would say that the greatest enemy to freedom is communism. Others might say it is the unbridled flow of illegal immigrants. Many (but not enough) are talking about the “Law of the Sea Treaty” a horrible monster that threatens the very sovereignty of The United States of America. And we won’t even go into the whacko liberal view that George W. Bush is the greatest threat to world freedom.

No, I think I know what the true enemy of freedom is. The TRUE ENEMY of freedom is…. complacency. That’s right, complacency.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines complacence as satisfaction, or self-satisfaction. And doesn’t that aptly describe most Americans? So spoiled, so “self-satisfied” that little things like "sovereignty" and "freedom" hardly get a rise. If you tell the normal, SUV wrangling soccer mom that Law of the Sea Treaty threatens the sovereignty of our great nation, you’ll maybe get a reaction as drastic as a “huh”? Talk to the working stiff dad, and he’ll nod, and lean a little to the right to look around you and see the TV. “Uh huh, that’s nice.”

We have become, as a people, as a nation, very complacent. We take our freedoms for granted. We have begun to forget that our rights, our inalienable rights spelled out in our constitution, come from Almighty God, and are not just a concession from Uncle Sam. And we have forgotten that the wealth, the incredible blessings that we enjoy today, are blessings from God, and not due to the miserably failed social programs of a bloated and wasteful federal government.

As we, as a nation, as a people, draw away from God, and the very social fabric that our society is founded on is ripped apart by activist judges and blatant lawbreaking maneuvers, those blessings are bleeding slowly away. How long, how long will God put up with a people that use His Name freely, and yet practice hidden and even blatantly outright public sin? How long will God continue to be merciful to us? Only God knows that answer.

But I have determined to do what I can, to put off my complacency, to make an effort, and let my voice be heard. I have decided to RANT- to scold violently- to call our nation to repentance, to try to shake the complacent and wake the sleeping before it is too late, before the greatest experiment of freedom in all of known history, is only a history lesson, like ancient Rome that imploded through its own decadence.

Where does the responsibility of the spiritual state of America rest? Is the problem the homosexuals clamoring for marriage? Is the problem with plastic, aging, has-been stars flashing flabby silicone filled breasts on prime time TV? Is the problem with lying politicians?

No, the responsibility for the spiritual state of America falls directly on the Church. Not the church as in a collection of buildings, but us, The Church, the people of God. Those of us that are called by His Name have harbored secret, hidden sin, we have turned our hearts from doing the things that please God, and we have worshipped idols. Our hearts have become hardened as we have become complacent.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us. Call Your people to repentance. Send Your Spirit through Your Church, make that which has been dead alive again. Come Lord, that Your Name may be glorified.

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