
Monday, April 26, 2004

I would like to open this blog up to anyone that is from the radical right, to become a contributing member. Just drop me an e-mail at holylamb (at) pobox (dot) com.

I am not even sure what I am politically any more. I used to consider myself Republican. But then George W. decided to open up our borders to the illegal invasion of hostile aliens, and set in motion a communist health care entitlement program.

I did a little online survey, and it said that I was really a Libertarian. While I really like such Libertarian writers as Vox Day, there are some whacko libertarian views about criminals and letting them out of prison, etc. So, I don't know, maybe I would label myself a Radical Christian Libertarian. I want a stop to a runaway government, activist judges, and bloated pork barrels. I want our borders secure, and I want criminals in jail. I want our constitution to be defended by those that claim to have that as their highest goal. I don't think that that is too much to ask.

What does that make me politically though? No longer can I just say, Republican. Too many traitors, too much pork. Who will I vote for? George W. Bush. What party will vote for Kerry? The Communist party, of course.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Man, if you want a comprehensive look at how we got where we are with the terrorist threat, take a look at The Fruits of Appeasement by Victor Davis Hanson

It will help bring some understanding to what we would be looking at under Kerry and his appeasement tactics of flip flopping on every issue.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

John Kerry supports the war on terror. John Kerry is against the war on terror. Which one is true? Both. Flip Flop Flip Flop. Flip Flop Kerry, that's his name. Check out this article by John Kerry himselves.

My Argument for the War (Before I Changed my Mind)

By John Kerry
FrontPageMagazine.com | April 13, 2004

October 9, 2002

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Did you catch the latest poll from Europe?
A new BBC poll finds that 52% of BBC viewers worldwide said the US and globalization was the most serious threat Globalization and the U.S. poses a more serious threat to the world than war and terrorism.

Unbelievable. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

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