
Monday, April 26, 2004

I would like to open this blog up to anyone that is from the radical right, to become a contributing member. Just drop me an e-mail at holylamb (at) pobox (dot) com.

I am not even sure what I am politically any more. I used to consider myself Republican. But then George W. decided to open up our borders to the illegal invasion of hostile aliens, and set in motion a communist health care entitlement program.

I did a little online survey, and it said that I was really a Libertarian. While I really like such Libertarian writers as Vox Day, there are some whacko libertarian views about criminals and letting them out of prison, etc. So, I don't know, maybe I would label myself a Radical Christian Libertarian. I want a stop to a runaway government, activist judges, and bloated pork barrels. I want our borders secure, and I want criminals in jail. I want our constitution to be defended by those that claim to have that as their highest goal. I don't think that that is too much to ask.

What does that make me politically though? No longer can I just say, Republican. Too many traitors, too much pork. Who will I vote for? George W. Bush. What party will vote for Kerry? The Communist party, of course.
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