
Monday, May 31, 2004

I love my Country. But I fear my government. 

By Eduardo Schmidt

I am a true blue American. I truly love my country. The Babe in the Bunker said it well, we should never, ever forget the sacrifice that has been made so that we might enjoy our freedom.

But I really fear my government, and the course that we seem to be taking as a nation. What the United States is becoming is not what I thought I was a part of growing up.

You see, I am from an earlier generation. I remember, as a very small child, seeing man walk on the moon for the first time. I remember a nation filled with hope, a nation that knew that the United States of America was a special experiment, something that had never been attempted before, something special. I remember when we still stood up every day in school, put our hands on our hearts, and said the Pledge of Allegiance, One Nation, Under God, indivisible. I remember being proud to be an American.

That America is no more it seems. I feel like my country has been stolen from me. It has been stolen through propaganda, slogans endlessly repeated, Liberal mantras broadcast with such frequency that they seem as fact to those that are hooked every night to their mind numbing Orwellian feelies. Liberal Big Government spews and the Simple, as if under some diabolical demonic control, take up those slogans and mantras, repeat them endlessly among themselves, and then attack any thinking person that happens to disagree, all in the name of “diversity”.

Big Government just keeps getting bigger. It grows, and grows, and there is no incentive to stop. Now the Liberal Big Government Control Freaks have targeted our waistlines.

We as a nation have been sold a lie. We have been told that Big Government knows best, that Big Government needs to watch over us and dictate to us, to protect us from ourselves. The mantra of Big Brotherism is now so rampant that truth is no longer important, we merely shred anything of the past that we do not find convenient at the time, and rewrite history to reflect the politically correct position of the day.

Our Founding Fathers knew that Big Government needed to be reigned in, that it could not be permitted to become too powerful. The power was with the people; the power was with the States. That was before activist judges decided that the constitution and the law means nothing, and began to impose on us their activist Liberal beliefs, effectively annulling rule of law from the land, and in a very real sense, stealing America and the Constitution that it was founded on out from under our very noses.

Our Founding Fathers fled from a repressive Government, a government that controlled and dictated to them how to live, a government that practiced taxation without representation. They set certain safeties in place in the Constitution because they knew what it was to live under a repressive regime. They acknowledged that we were given certain unalienable rights by our Creator, things like the right to life and the pursuit of happiness. They wrote freedom into the Bill of Rights, freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms, freedom of religion.

Alas, we as Americans have become so fat and lazy as a people that we think that the economy is the principal question in every election and believe the liars that tell us they know how to make things better when they have failed at every turn.

What will it take until America wakes up and realizes that respect for and upholding of the constitution must be the sole and principal question when electing any person for the office of President? Sadly, I fear that it will take the same thing that set the course for the creation of this great nation and the constitution that has, for over two hundred years, held it together.

Unless we can learn from history, we are destined to repeat the same mistakes. Until we, as a people, under God, indivisible, once again rise up and demand that our elected officials and every judge in the land adheres to the Constitution of the United States of America, we are destined to continue down the road of oppression under a repressive regime.

Oh that our great country would awake from its slumber, before it is too late, before the Constitution is dismantled and our sovereignty handed over to the United Nations, before we once again enter into slavery to a bloated and repressive Government, before the bloodshed that is sure to come, and has come upon every people throughout history disarmed by their Big Benevolent Government for their own good, for their own safety, and for the safety of the children.

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