
Tuesday, May 04, 2004

This just in from my good friend Matt Held.
I am trying to convince him that he should be a regular contributor, let him know if you agree!

I have plenty to rant about these days. As I'm sure you've been reading, we
North Americans (Canadians don't count) have entered into prolonged divisive
debate over the utterly inconsequential. We will be busy discussing:

+ Whether it is better to be taxed into *poverty* through income tax
or inflation.
+ Whether it is better to endure *oppression* from international
terrorists or international bankers.
+ Whether it is better to be *raped* for social welfare or corporate
+ Whether it is better to *die* from lack of insurance or lack of
effective medical treatment ala HMOs.

Here is my forecast: at the end of all of this the republicrats will win,
and regardless of which is elected, we will end up poor, oppressed and
f***ed to death.

The longer I live and the more I see the more I understand that the battle
is not with flesh and blood. None of these morons have the truth and our
government will eventually crumble under the greed of self-serving special
interests. The founders knew this, wrote of it and warned against it. The
good news is that we have entered an age of post-modern enlightenment; a
veritable age of reason where:

* We are shocked that the FCC would dare to think of censoring
Howard Stern and the morning sexcapades
* While we yawn as McCain-Feingold does away with the first

* We insist on more government funding for human cloning research
* While we protect the right to kill a partially born child.

* We strive to curry favor with Europe (where anti-Semitism is
* While "The Passion" is condemned as anti-Semitic

* We combat terrorism by doing away with the 1st, 2nd, and 4th
* While we leave our borders and our ports wide-open to every Tom,
Dick and Mohammed

* Noticing an attractive woman is sexual harassment
* While tassels are optional at the super bowl boob show.

* "Fucking" is a government-sanctioned "adjective"
* While "Faggot" is a homophobic hate-crime

* The Ten Commandments in school is offensive
* While the "Vagina Monologues" is a admirably appropriate public
school play

* Male on Male and Female on Female is a sacrament
* While man-and-wife is an oppressive social construct of male
dominant oppression and female codependency.

* Government's taxing the public less is an "INCREASED COST"
* While INCREASED government spending is a "CUT"

* People who work hard for an education, and take risks are "greedy"
* While people who neglect their education and live at the public
expense are "disadvantaged"

* Judges legislate from the bench
* While legislators attempt to judge from the legislature.

* The government subsidizes the exportation of jobs from America
* While it offers amnesty to criminals who enter the country
illegally to work.

So the sheeple will be fleeced as they gladly line up behind the Judas-goat
of their choosing to be lead off to their own demise. The mindless debate
over red-herring issues will continue while freedom is slowly stripped from
America. The anti-American press will not challenge any of the candidates
on constitutional issues. All of the people holding public office swore to
uphold and defend the constitution against enemies both foreign and
domestic, and they are the ones who have undertaken an all-out assault on
the constitution that they are sworn to protect and uphold.

The constitution is dead; soon America itself will suffer the same demise.

That's my rant.

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