
Thursday, May 20, 2004

Where is the outrage? The number of Christians killed in Vietnam over Easter is at about 280. See http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=38572 for more info.

Have you seen anything about it on the big media? I haven’t. I have seen a lot of outrage about some naked terrorists on leashes, but haven’t seen one thing about 280 Christians slaughtered by the Vietnamese communist government because they believe in Jesus Christ.

Why don’t we hear anything about this? Why isn’t there outrage, and front page reports from the major papers? Why isn't this all over the nightly news?

I’ll tell you why. Because there is no political advantage for the liberal left. Because they have not found a way to try to hold George W. Bush responsible for their deaths. Because the liberal left love communists and hate Christians. Because if they could get away with it, the liberal left would do the same thing to Christians in the US of A.

If the liberal left succeed in taking away our right to bear arms, this will be the same fate of Christians in America in the not too distant future. We in America, especially Christians and Jews, should stand up and take notice. We should take a good hard look at history, and how repressive regimes start along the road to repression and the killing of their own people.

Any Jew, with the plethora of recent history available to anyone with the sense to do a little research, any Jew who supports rigid liberal gun control is a complete idiot. Take a look at every communist regime, one of the first things they do, right before they start the wholesale slaughter of their own people, is take away the people's guns.

Take a look at the early history of Germany. Why was the German government able to round up and kill millions of Jews? Because they first passed laws limiting, and eventually eliminating the right to bear arms. Laws that in many ways mimic and imitate the laws that we in America are being subjected to by the Liberal Regime. America, wake up! What you don’t know can kill you, and probably will one day soon.

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