
Monday, July 05, 2004

John Kerry is a damn liar and a coward 

Flip-Flop Kerry claims that he believes that life begins at conception, that he personally opposes abortion. But he supports abortion with his vote. He voted against a recent bill that would have banned partial birth abortions.

For those of you that are unfamiliar with the term “partial birth abortion”, it refers to a late-term abortion procedure where the doctor pulls the unborn baby out by his or her feet, but holds the top of the head of the baby in the vagina of the woman, then stabs the little baby in the back of the head and sucks out the brain, killing the little baby as they cry and jerk around. This procedure is performed on unborn babies up to and including nine months old.

These are fully developed babies, ready and able to be born. This is a barbaric act, and there is never, ever a justifiable reason to do this procedure. It is much safer on the mother to induce labor, and let the baby be born naturally. I repeat, there is never, ever, a medically necessary reason to perform a partial birth abortion. Anyone who says different is a liar.

The only reason to perform a partial birth abortion is to have a dead baby instead of a live baby.

A few inches of the top of the head of the baby that the abortionist holds in the vagina of the mother determines whether the baby is a citizen worthy of protection guaranteed by our constitution, or medical waste that the doctor can stab in the back of the head, then chop up the body parts and sell them to the highest bidder.

If the head pops the rest of the way out of the vagina, if the doctor’s hold slips and the babies head comes all the way out, behold, the baby miraculously becomes a “real” person in the eyes of the law, and is then protected by law, and anyone killing that poor defenseless baby would go to jail. Life and death determined by a few inches of head held in the mother’s vagina.

Now, what do you think about the spiritual fortitude of a religious person that claims that they believe that life begins at conception, but in practice, supports the barbaric act of killing fully formed unborn, no, fully formed “partially born” babies?

I say that man has no spiritual fortitude whatsoever. I say that man is a bald faced liar. I say that man is a damn coward.

I say that it was the John Kerry’s that went to church and claimed “belief” in a righteous God and put on white sheets at night to lynch God’s children because their skin was the wrong color.

I say that it was the John Kerry’s that did not “personally believe” that killing the little Jews was right, but went to work every day making bombs for the Nazis and ignoring the smoke rising from concentration camps, the smoke of dead Jews.

I say it is the John Kerry’s that don’t “personally believe” it is right to rape women, but when they hear a woman screaming for help, shut their windows, pull their shades shut, and turn up the TV so they can’t hear the screams.

I say once again, John Kerry is a damn liar, and he is a coward. Anyone that votes for him votes for a liar, and through him for the father of lies.

(This blog was first shown on our pro-life blog, but I felt that it was also appropriate here in the political arena.)
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