
Sunday, August 08, 2004

Capitulation to terrorists is cowardice, and it is stupid 

Capitulation to terrorists is cowardice. Besides that, it is stupid. The only reward will be more death. The intention of the terrorists is not understanding or political redress, but that everyone will bow the knee to radical Islam, and those that will not bow their knee should die. Everyone, including those that bow in cowardice like Spain.

The terrorists believe that everyone that does not believe in their particular twisted version of Islam deserves to die, including Muslims. Look at how many Muslims the radical Islamic terrorists have killed already.

The United States has done more to help and defend Muslims than any Muslim nation has. That is, and should be, a disgrace to those that foment political and religious hate against the United States.

Real men bow the knee to Jesus, and to no one else. Real men will stand and fight against the hate, fight against the tide of evil masquerading as “religion”. Yes we must pray, yes we must pursue peace when possible. But when attacked by evil, we have a right, no, more than that, a responsibility, to fight and eliminate that evil, political correctness be damned. If you do not hate evil, you cannot love good. If you do not hate evil, you do not love God.
If you bow the knee to Islam, make sure it is to help you balance your rifle as you send one more radical terrorist to their just end, judgment before the King of Kings, Jesus Christ.

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