
Thursday, August 12, 2004

Wake up and smell the approaching explosives 

There is a lot of talk and discussion lately about oil shortages, and oil prices. Anyone who is really worried about oil shortages should be supporting the efforts by President Bush to drill for oil in Alaska. That would dramatically lessen our dependence on foreign oil. All the tree huggers that oppose efforts to drill for oil in Alaska should be forced immediately to turn over the keys to their SUV's, and buy bicycles instead.

We need someone in office who has a little backbone, and is willing to face down the legions of demon-filled terrorists trying to kill all Americans and/or Jews at any cost. George Bush has done what should have been done a long time ago, and went after the murderous terrorists and those that paid them and sheltered them. One of the reasons that the world is in this kind of mess is because Clinton didn't have the balls to go after the terrorists that have repeatedly attacked us. 9/11 didn't happen overnight, there were numerous attacks leading up to it that were never dealt with by administrations more interested in cigar placement than protecting our country.

John Kerry has shown proclivities toward selling out America, repeatedly so. In fact, the communists in Vietnam regard him as a hero for speaking out for them and supporting them in their defeat of America, and have honored him in their museum http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=38948.

John Kerry's idea of solving America's problems is just turning the country over to the United Nations. If that doesn't scare you, you are simply uninformed.

If we elect Kerry, (God have mercy on us and do not allow it to happen), I surmise that we as Americans will get what we deserve. Perhaps the disaster that would ensue under Kerry is just what the slumbering Bride of Christ needs to wake up and smell the explosives approaching over our open border.

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