
Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Usama bin Laden- Is Bush doing all he can? 

I thought that this interview with investigative reporter Richard Miniter was very informative. We don't hear enough about all the good things that are going on, all the victories that we get over the terrorists, all the operations that we have disrupted.

Another thing that really stuck out, is how closely tied Iran and Usama bin Laden are. And how scary it is that John Kerry, proclaiming publically how much of an idiot he is, supports giving uranium to Iran. For the love of God and America, please don't vote for John Kerry. That would be a vote for disaster for this country. It would be a vote of treason, of siding with a known enemy, as Kerry has done numerous times. A vote for Kerry is a vote for the death of freedom that we have so long enjoyed in America.

What is really terrifying, is that about half of registered voters, depending on which poll you hear, are actually considering giving their vote to him. God, have mercy on us.

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