
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Live free, or die a slave? 

Oh, now this is sweet. Arizona voters passed a law which "requires individuals to show proof of citizenship when registering to vote and applying for public benefits".

Elias Bermudez, executive director of Centro de Ayuda, an immigrant advocacy group, is telling people, "I tell them not to fear. I tell them the courts will eventually strike down this law".

So, the people of Arizona have spoken, they have declared that open borders are a problem, that having no control over immigration is sapping the life from their state's economy, and they have passed legislation to help curb the excesses. But, don't worry, some court, some liberal judge somewhere will probably strike this down, frustrate and impede the will of the legal citizens, and leave the people without a voice.

This is just another example of how the courts have become the defacto rulers, dictators if you will, in America. The people speak, but then are told to shut up and sit down as the liberal judges tell us what we really meant, or what we should have said, or simply what they think is right, and forget about the "law", we'll make it up as we go along, in fact, they seem to be saying, "Judges are the Law!"

How long will it take until we Americans stand up and say, "Enough is enough! We want secure borders, we don't mind immigration, but let's make it legal immigration, let's stop the drain that illegal immigration has become on our nation, to say nothing of the clear and present danger to our national interests." The terrorists aren't dumb. If a bunch of poor Mexicans can make it across the border, then well-trained Islamic terrorists should have no problems.

Wake up America. It's time to take back our country. Do we need to have another 9-11 or worse, God forbid, to wake up to the danger that our open borders pose to our country? It's time to return the rule of law to the land. There is too much at stake to allow liberal judges to rule over us.

If the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave is to survive, then we must live free, and we must be brave. Either we live free and brave, or we live as slaves to liberal masters and die at the hand of cowardly terrorists.

This is the time. This is the day. Decide, what is the legacy that you want to hand to your children and grandchildren? Do you care enough about your freedom to fight to keep it, or are you willing to surrender to the Liberal gods, and eat whatever morsel they deem to through you?

Will you live free, or will you die a slave?
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