
Thursday, November 11, 2004

Ted Rall is an arrogant fool 

Ted Rall, you are an arrogant fool. Is it any wonder that the Democrats are so out of touch with the rest of America? Is it any wonder that the roast beef and mashed potato Americans wish that all of the liberal idiots would just move to France?

I mean, in a recent article, Confessions of a Cultural Elitist, Ted Rall has this to say, "Win or Lose, Kerry Voters Are Smarter Than Bush Voters".

I remember games like this. What was it, kindergarten? "I'm smarter than you". "My daddy is bigger than your daddy." These are the kind of childish games that little immature kids play. It is telling that Ted Rall never grew past these childish games, never matured past the mental age of a five year old. And I think that it is telling that the majority of Democrats appear to hold these same arrogant beliefs.

Ted Rall goes on in his arrogant diatribe to say, " So our guy lost the election. Why shouldn't those of us on the coasts feel superior? We eat better, travel more, dress better, watch cooler movies, earn better salaries, meet more interesting people, listen to better music and know more about what's going on in the world."

Can you say "elitist"? Can you say arrogant ass? Can you see why apple pie America trounced these liberal nutcases?

They may try to act like they are for the little guy as they zip around the country to their fancy restaurants in their fancy threads while trashing the President of the United States of America and critisizing normal Americans as dumb - but we see through the arrogance. We are on to your games. Their own prideful arrogance makes them a stench in the nostrils of most normal Americans.

Arrogant idiots like Ted Rall are the best allies that conservative Republicans, Libertarians, or Constitutionalists have. They help remind the normal people that the liberal elitists disdain us normal corn fed Americans, that they plunder the normal American's paychecks to subsidize their lifestyles of excess, that they love to fund ungodly art of urine on crosses (oh so clever these liberals), that they attempt to buy the votes of the poorest of Americans by offering to tax the middle class to support the welfare state of their biggest voter block.

Ted Rall, you would do well to heed the Holy Scriptures. "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed, than to share plunder with the proud." Proverbs 16:18,19.

With such a proud and haughty spirit, can the fall be far behind? Will your feelings of superiority save you when you face a Holy and Righteous God who will call you into account for every idle word you speak? Although you claim to be wise, you have become arrogant fools.

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