
Saturday, January 21, 2006

Ohio Pastors 

I was happy to see that a couple of Ohio pastors were gearing up to get involved politically. I mean, I am not putting my faith in any politician. But if we as Christians don't get involved to change the way things work in our Republic, then we deserve what we will eventually get in the end. There is no "wall between church and state" except in the minds of those that would like to take away the right of people of faith to be involved in the political process.

That is where we are heading. We are heading down the road of exclusion and persecution, unless we can unify. I am not advocation that we try to maintain what we have. I think that we need a radical new movement, we need something extremely different than we now have.

But to bring about any change, we must be united. A house divided against itself will fall. Unless the Church wakes from it's slumber, we are doomed to repeat history.

In a nutshell, these are some of the areas that I think we need a radical solution.

1. For one, we need to secure our borders. The people see it. Most politicians are oblivious. Shut down the borders, whatever the cost, but do it, and do it now! Enough excuses, enough lies.

2. We need to disband the illegal secret police that we now call the IRS. Do away with it. It does not need an overhaul, it needs to be completely done away with. Go with a flat tax of 10%, no deductions, and use a one page simple form. Get the IRS out of the church- do away with all deductions- give to God what is God's, and stop trying to give to God to get from Ceaser.

3. We need to hold judges accountable, and implement some process to remove unethical, and unconstitutional judges. If they do not agree with the constitution, they are not fit for office, and that goes for all politicians too.

4. We need to implement some type of homeland defense that utilizes the citizen army, traditionally called the militia, giving training in survival of nuclear weapons, foreign attack, and chemical warfare. We are way behind the ball on this, and time is running out. Does the average citizen know what to do in case of a nuclear attack? Does anyone doubt that the terrorist are trying to attack us with nuclear weapons? It is a matter of when, not if.

5. We need to remove those that are trying to impede the war on terror. If they are politicians, we need to vote them out. Listen, our very survival depends on this, it is not a political game. Those that are playing games with national secrets should be prosecuted as traitors. A firing squad for Sandy "document socks" Berger would be a good place to start. Anyone that does not agree with the war on terror should be invited to go to Pakistan and pow wow with Osama Bin Laden and his cronies. Perhaps Iran, that just made public a desire to see the United States obliterated would take them. Get rid of them.
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