
Saturday, June 10, 2006

Pray for Blackwell- and then vote for him. 

I am excited to see someone like Kenneth Blackwell running for Governor. He seems like a man of character, a man of principle. We need people like him in office, people that are willing to speak out on important matters, and that have the moral character to be able to walk the walk, and not just talk the talk. Please pray for him, someone that is on fire for God is bound to come under intense attack.

Lord Jesus, Watch over Kenneth Blackwell, lead him not into temptation, but deliver him from the evil one. Strengthen him for the trials ahead- put good people around him, people that he can trust, people that are honest, and people that love You too. Watch over him, that his foot would not slip. Bless him, and his family.

Lord, have mercy on Ohio, my home state. Break the chains of high taxes, of violence, of unemployment. Release Your Holy Spirit Lord. Release revival in Ohio Lord!
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