
Monday, October 27, 2008

John McPain and the wimpy Hussein messianic complex 

John McPain finally did something right. No, he didn’t become a real Republican. But at least he had the sense to pick a VP who is. And that is certainly more than I had ever really hoped for. There is an excitement among conservatives, knowing that John is old, and Palin is not. Chances are pretty good, with John’s age and anger issues that Palin just might get to be president in the near future, and that has generated more political excitement than I have seen in a long time.

I mean this is the first time that I am aware of that John McCain “reaching across the aisle” has been a good thing, because he is finally reaching across to the Republicans that he has spit on for so long. It was probably the only way to save his candidacy. I guess he knows something about survival, even if he doesn’t really have a clue about what the real problems facing the Republican Party are.

There was like this gray pall over the whole political process, McCain was pushed on a party that doesn’t care much for his Democrappyness as the only “electable” candidate, when there were a few that were actually good but were ignored by the press.

Regardless of what the liberal press is trying to force to happen through their false prophecy, I think McCain has a very good chance of winning. Not because anyone likes him. But because Sarah Palin is what the conservative base wants. It doesn’t hurt that she is hot too. But she also comes across as having more balls than Hussein Obama any day.

Tell me, if you were attacked by an Islamic terrorist, who would you want to be holding a rifle to guard your back, some skinny wimpy dude named Hussein, or Sarah Palin, hunter and outdoorswoman? I think the answer is pretty clear, don’t you?

And who in the heck do you want controlling the greatest fighting force in the world, especially as we are engaged in a fight for our very survival with Islamic terrorists? Some community organizer with a messianic complex, or a down to earth governor who is not afraid to confront both big oil and big government head on? ‘Nough said.
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