
Friday, October 29, 2004

Hear the Left on voting. 

In the interest of fairness, I would like to offer the opportunity to read a Democrat about the election.

While I am from the right, and the religious right to boot, I occasionally agree with those on the left. Can we find common ground? Incredibly, we just might, if we could shut off all the media hype from all sides, and try to view facts. We Americans would do well to meditate on just what is important to us, as a nation.

Standing against evil 

"A human society in which men will not help their neighbors to resist evil and struggle for justice, will presently cease to exist as a society, since it will lack even the animal loyalties that are necessary for survival." Lewis Mumford (as most of Europe lay in ruins).

If you think that, due to your religious convictions against war, you can't vote for Bush, please read this article. It really made me think a lot, and I am sure it will make you think too. What is our responsibility, as Christians, as a nation founded on the freedom of Christ, in standing against evil in the world? What is the cost if we fail to do so? Ponder these questions as you go to the polls!

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Churches can't PRAY for Bush to win! 

The IRS has just ruled that churches can't PRAY that Bush win. Listen, this is huge. This cannot go unchallenged. Every church in America should, first and foremost, get on their knees and pray, and then, stand up and fight!

I would be interested in hearing your opinions, on where you think these trends are heading. Also, is it time that the church reject governments interference, and drop the tax exempt status that the government uses to control the Bride of Christ?

We must pray that the church in America wake up, before it is too late. Oh God, have mercy on Your Church!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Kerry preparing to steal the election 

John Kerry, traitor and long time supporter of communist regimes the world over, has already laid plans for stealing the election if it is close, according to an interesting story on CNN.

According to CNN, "Six so-called "SWAT teams" of lawyers and political operatives will be situated around the country with fueled-up jets awaiting Kerry's orders to speed to a battleground state."

The story continues on, "

"Right now, we have 10,000 lawyers out in the battleground states on Election Day, and that number is growing by the day," said Michael Whouley, a Kerry confidant who is running election operations at the Democratic National Committee.

While the lawyers litigate, political operatives will try to shape public perception. Their goal would be to persuade voters that Kerry has the best claim to the presidency and that Republicans are trying to steal it."

The Democrats are preparing to destroy the election process of this country, by preparing 10,000 lawyers, and a large number of political operatives, to "shape public perception", AKA, PSYOPS operations on the American people, propaganda, well-planned and carried out with efficiency, to steal the election if need be. An possibly destroy the electorial process in America, and certainly, the faith that Americans have in our system. Shame on the Democrats.

May God bless America with a landslide victory for George W. Bush, so that even the crooked democracks with their crooked lawyers and lying operatives can't steal the election.

Usama bin Laden- Is Bush doing all he can? 

I thought that this interview with investigative reporter Richard Miniter was very informative. We don't hear enough about all the good things that are going on, all the victories that we get over the terrorists, all the operations that we have disrupted.

Another thing that really stuck out, is how closely tied Iran and Usama bin Laden are. And how scary it is that John Kerry, proclaiming publically how much of an idiot he is, supports giving uranium to Iran. For the love of God and America, please don't vote for John Kerry. That would be a vote for disaster for this country. It would be a vote of treason, of siding with a known enemy, as Kerry has done numerous times. A vote for Kerry is a vote for the death of freedom that we have so long enjoyed in America.

What is really terrifying, is that about half of registered voters, depending on which poll you hear, are actually considering giving their vote to him. God, have mercy on us.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

France has never truly been an American ally 

France has never really been an American ally. Saying they have been is just outright lying, or a serious misunderstanding of history. Check out this article for more information.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Why Terrorists prefer Kerry 6-1 

It's true, terrorists prefer Kerry 6-1. The Democrats use the same techniques!

John Kerry's Resume 

This just in from John Kerry. We were asked to post his resume. Even though we are the Radical Right, we have agreed to post his resume, in the interest of fairness.


NAME: John Kerry

RESIDENCE: 7 mansions, including one in Washington DC, worth
multi-millions. I served in Vietnam (four months).

Law Enforcement. In my career as a U.S. Senator, I've voted to cut every
law enforcement, CIA, and Defense bill. I ordered the city of Boston to
remove a fire hydrant in front of my mansion, thereby endangering my
neighbors in the event of fire. I served in Vietnam (four months).

I served in Vietnam (four months). I used three minor injuries to get an
early discharge from the military and service in Vietnam (as documented by
the attending doctor). I served in Vietnam (four months). I then returned
to the U.S., joined Jane Fonda in protesting the war, and insulted returning
Vietnam vets, claiming they committed atrocities and were baby killers. I
served in Vietnam (four months). I threw my medals, ribbons, or something
away in protest. Or did I? My book "Vietnam Veterans Against the War: The
New Soldier", shows how I truly feel about the military. I served in
Vietnam (four months).

I graduated from Yale University with a low C average. Unlike my counterpart
George Bush, I have no higher education and did not get admitted to Harvard
nor graduate with an M.B.A

After College and Vietnam, I ran for the U.S. Congress and have been there
ever since. I have no real world experience except marrying very rich women
and running their companies vicariously through them. I served in Vietnam
(four months).

As a U.S. Senator I set the record for the most liberal voting record,
exceeding even Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton. I have consistently failed
to support our military and CIA by voting against their budgets, thus
gutting our country's ability to defend itself. Although I voted for the
Iraq War, now I am against it and refuse to admit that I voted for it. I
voted for every liberal piece of legislation. I have no plan to help this
country but I intend to raise taxes significantly if I am elected. I served
in Vietnam (four months).

My wealth so far exceeds that of my counterpart, George Bush, that he will
never catch up. I make little or no charitable contributions and have never
agreed to pay any voluntary excess taxes in Massachusetts, despite family
wealth in excess of $ 700 million. I served in Vietnam (four months).

I (we) own 28 manufacturing plants (Heinz) outside of the U.S. in places
like Asia, Mexico and Europe. We can make more profit from the cheaper cost
of labor in those Countries, although I blame George Bush for sending all of
the other jobs out of Country. I served in Vietnam (four months).

Although I claim to be in favor of alternative energy sources, Ted Kennedy
and I oppose windmills off Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard as it might spoil
our view of the ocean as we cruise on our yachts. I served in Vietnam (four

None. However, I served in Vietnam (four months).

PERSONAL I practice my Catholic faith whenever cameras are present. I ride a
Serotta Bike. I love to ski/snowboard. I call my Gulfstream V Jet the
"Flying Squirrel". I call my $850,000 42-foot Hinckley twin diesel yacht the

I am fascinated by rap and hip-hop and feel it reflects our real culture.

I own several "Large" SUVs including one parked at my Nantucket summer
mansion, though I am against large, polluting, inefficient vehicles and
blame George Bush for our energy problems. I served in Vietnam (four


Monday, October 11, 2004

God was looking out for Laura Hatch 

This is a great story of a praying church, and God answering prayer. God is alive and well on planet earth. Our God is a living God. I loved this story. Let me know what you think.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Revival in America 

Check out this story. http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=40651

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