
Monday, May 31, 2004

I love my Country. But I fear my government. 

By Eduardo Schmidt

I am a true blue American. I truly love my country. The Babe in the Bunker said it well, we should never, ever forget the sacrifice that has been made so that we might enjoy our freedom.

But I really fear my government, and the course that we seem to be taking as a nation. What the United States is becoming is not what I thought I was a part of growing up.

You see, I am from an earlier generation. I remember, as a very small child, seeing man walk on the moon for the first time. I remember a nation filled with hope, a nation that knew that the United States of America was a special experiment, something that had never been attempted before, something special. I remember when we still stood up every day in school, put our hands on our hearts, and said the Pledge of Allegiance, One Nation, Under God, indivisible. I remember being proud to be an American.

That America is no more it seems. I feel like my country has been stolen from me. It has been stolen through propaganda, slogans endlessly repeated, Liberal mantras broadcast with such frequency that they seem as fact to those that are hooked every night to their mind numbing Orwellian feelies. Liberal Big Government spews and the Simple, as if under some diabolical demonic control, take up those slogans and mantras, repeat them endlessly among themselves, and then attack any thinking person that happens to disagree, all in the name of “diversity”.

Big Government just keeps getting bigger. It grows, and grows, and there is no incentive to stop. Now the Liberal Big Government Control Freaks have targeted our waistlines.

We as a nation have been sold a lie. We have been told that Big Government knows best, that Big Government needs to watch over us and dictate to us, to protect us from ourselves. The mantra of Big Brotherism is now so rampant that truth is no longer important, we merely shred anything of the past that we do not find convenient at the time, and rewrite history to reflect the politically correct position of the day.

Our Founding Fathers knew that Big Government needed to be reigned in, that it could not be permitted to become too powerful. The power was with the people; the power was with the States. That was before activist judges decided that the constitution and the law means nothing, and began to impose on us their activist Liberal beliefs, effectively annulling rule of law from the land, and in a very real sense, stealing America and the Constitution that it was founded on out from under our very noses.

Our Founding Fathers fled from a repressive Government, a government that controlled and dictated to them how to live, a government that practiced taxation without representation. They set certain safeties in place in the Constitution because they knew what it was to live under a repressive regime. They acknowledged that we were given certain unalienable rights by our Creator, things like the right to life and the pursuit of happiness. They wrote freedom into the Bill of Rights, freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms, freedom of religion.

Alas, we as Americans have become so fat and lazy as a people that we think that the economy is the principal question in every election and believe the liars that tell us they know how to make things better when they have failed at every turn.

What will it take until America wakes up and realizes that respect for and upholding of the constitution must be the sole and principal question when electing any person for the office of President? Sadly, I fear that it will take the same thing that set the course for the creation of this great nation and the constitution that has, for over two hundred years, held it together.

Unless we can learn from history, we are destined to repeat the same mistakes. Until we, as a people, under God, indivisible, once again rise up and demand that our elected officials and every judge in the land adheres to the Constitution of the United States of America, we are destined to continue down the road of oppression under a repressive regime.

Oh that our great country would awake from its slumber, before it is too late, before the Constitution is dismantled and our sovereignty handed over to the United Nations, before we once again enter into slavery to a bloated and repressive Government, before the bloodshed that is sure to come, and has come upon every people throughout history disarmed by their Big Benevolent Government for their own good, for their own safety, and for the safety of the children.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

I don't know, there is something about this story that just irks me.

I quote, "Schwartz told the paper teens as young as 17 who throw a party could be tried as adults under the new law." Now, I don't want to come across as supporting underage drinking by any means. But there is something very incongruent here. A guy has a few friends over, he is underage but somehow gets a few beers, he is in trouble for drinking as a minor. If he happens to have four friends with him, he will be busted under this new law, that "makes it a misdemeanor for the owner or occupant at any given address to host a gathering of five or more minors who are consuming alcohol or drugs."

The kicker is, under this law, he may be tried as an adult. At 17 years of age, he can serve in the Armed Forces, but he can't drink a beer, but if he does drink a beer when there are any friends present, he can be tried as an adult for drinking as a minor.

It just caught me as odd. Underage drinker tried as an adult.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

54 Babies

By George F. Will

CHINO HILLS, Calif.Where Route 71 crosses over Payton Drive, at the bottom of the steeply sloping embankment, two boys, who were playing nearby, found the boxes. The boys bicycled home and said they had found boxes of "babies."

Do not be impatient with the imprecision of their language. They have not read the apposite Supreme Court opinions. So when they stumbled on the boxes stuffed with 54 fetuses, which looked a lot like babies, they jumped to conclusions. Besides, young boys are apt to believe their eyes rather than the Supreme Court.

The first count came to a lot less than 54. Forgive the counters' imprecision. Many fetuses had been dismembered -- hands, arms, legs, heads jumbled together -- by the abortionist's vigor. An accurate count required a lot of sorting out.

The fetuses had been dumped here, about 30 miles east of Los Angeles, on March 14, 1997, by a trucker who may not have known what the Los Angeles abortion clinic had hired him to dispose of. He later served 71 days in jail for the improper disposal of medical waste. Society must be strict about its important standards.

What local authorities dealt with as a problem of solid waste disposal struck a few local residents as rather more troubling than that. They started talking to each other, and one thing led to another, and to the formation of Cradles of Love, which had the modest purpose of providing a burial for the 54 babies.

The members of Cradles of Love -- just a few normal walking-around middle-class Americans -- called them babies, and still do. These people are opposed to abortion, in spite of the Supreme Court's assurance in 1973 that abortions end only "potential life." (Twenty-five years later the Supreme Court has not yet explained how a life that is merely "potential" can be ended.)

Some will say the members of Cradles of Love, who are churchgoers, have been unduly influenced by theology. Or perhaps the real culprit is biology. It teaches that after the DNA of the sperm fuse with those of the ovum a new and unique DNA complex is formed that directs the growth of the organism. It soon is called a fetus, which takes in nourishment and converts it to energy through its own distinct, unique organic functioning, and very soon it looks a lot like a baby.

Anyway, theology or biology or maybe their eyes told the members of Cradles of Love that there were some babies in need of burials. So they asked the coroner to give them the fetuses. Then the American Civil Liberties Union was heard from.

It professed itself scandalized by this threat to . . . what? The ACLU frequently works itself into lathers of anxiety about threats to the separation of church and state. It is difficult, however, to identify any person whose civil liberties were going to be menaced if the fetuses were (these are the ACLU's words) "released to the church groups for the express purpose of holding religious services." The ACLU said it opposed "facilitation" of services by a public official.

The ACLU's attack on the constitutionally protected right to the free exercise of religion failed to intimidate, and in October the babies were buried in a plot provided at no charge by a cemetery in nearby Riverside. Each baby was given a name by a participating church group. Each name was engraved on a brass plate that was affixed to each of the 54 small, white, wooden caskets made, at no charge, by a volunteer who took three days off from work to do it. Fifty clergy and four persons active in the right-to-life movement carried the caskets. Each baby's name is inscribed on a large headstone, also provided at no charge. Fifty-four doves, provided at no charge by the cemetery, were released at the services.

The ACLU trembled for the Constitution.

We hear much about the few "extremists" in the right-to-life movement. But the vast majority of the movement's members are like the kindly, peaceable people here, who were minding their own business until some of the results of the abortion culture tumbled down a roadside embankment and into their lives.

Which is not to say that this episode was untainted by ugly extremism. It would be nice if the media, which are nothing if not diligent in documenting and deploring right-to-life extremism, could bring themselves to disapprove the extremism of the ACLU, which here attempted a bullying nastiness unredeemed by any connection to a civic purpose.

Source: Washington Post: December 3, 1998; Page A23
Provided By: The Pro-Life Infonet, a daily compilation of pro-life news and educational information. To subscribe, send the message "subscribe" to: infonet-list-request@lists.prolife.org. Infonet is sponsored by Women and Children First (http://www.prolife.org/wcf). For more pro-life info visit the Ultimate Pro-Life Resource List at http://www.prolife.org/ultimate and for questions or additional information email ertelt@prolife.org

Saturday, May 22, 2004

I just got the comments turned on, so that should help encourage some more rants from others :-)

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Where is the outrage? The number of Christians killed in Vietnam over Easter is at about 280. See http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=38572 for more info.

Have you seen anything about it on the big media? I haven’t. I have seen a lot of outrage about some naked terrorists on leashes, but haven’t seen one thing about 280 Christians slaughtered by the Vietnamese communist government because they believe in Jesus Christ.

Why don’t we hear anything about this? Why isn’t there outrage, and front page reports from the major papers? Why isn't this all over the nightly news?

I’ll tell you why. Because there is no political advantage for the liberal left. Because they have not found a way to try to hold George W. Bush responsible for their deaths. Because the liberal left love communists and hate Christians. Because if they could get away with it, the liberal left would do the same thing to Christians in the US of A.

If the liberal left succeed in taking away our right to bear arms, this will be the same fate of Christians in America in the not too distant future. We in America, especially Christians and Jews, should stand up and take notice. We should take a good hard look at history, and how repressive regimes start along the road to repression and the killing of their own people.

Any Jew, with the plethora of recent history available to anyone with the sense to do a little research, any Jew who supports rigid liberal gun control is a complete idiot. Take a look at every communist regime, one of the first things they do, right before they start the wholesale slaughter of their own people, is take away the people's guns.

Take a look at the early history of Germany. Why was the German government able to round up and kill millions of Jews? Because they first passed laws limiting, and eventually eliminating the right to bear arms. Laws that in many ways mimic and imitate the laws that we in America are being subjected to by the Liberal Regime. America, wake up! What you don’t know can kill you, and probably will one day soon.

We are not hearing the whole story on the war. The people that control the majority of the major news organizations hate America. They would rather we suffer humiliation and loose the war. They refuse to report on the heroes, prefering to report on naked iraqi's being led around on dog leashes by wanton whores.

I just read a story on Bob Lonsberry's site that brought tears to my eyes, please read go check it out. It tells the story of Brian Chontosh.

From Bob Lonsberry's site: "The odd fact about the American media in this war is that it’s not covering the American military. The most plugged-in nation in the world is receiving virtually no true information about what its warriors are doing. "

We need to hear these stories, the stories of hope. Pass this story and the link on, get this story out. We need to remember that there are Americans like Brian Chontosh, proudly wearing the uniform and living the life of a hero, so that we Americans can live free. Pass this story on, because those of us that love America must make sure that the truth is heard.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

This just in from my good friend, Matt Held. Get in touch with him to let him know if you like it :-)

Why are we still there? Time to re-evaluate our involvement?

Every day there are news reports about more deaths. Every night on TV there

are photos of death and destruction. Why are we still there?

We occupied this land, which we had to take by force, but it causes us

nothing but trouble. Why are we still there?

Many of our children go there and never come back. Why are we still there?

Their government is unstable, and they have loopy leadership. Why are we

still there?

Many of their people are uncivilized. Why are we still there?

The place is subject to natural disasters, which we are supposed to bail

them out of. Why are we still there?

There are more than 1000 religious sects, which we do not understand. Why

are we still there?

Their folkways, foods and fads are unfathomable to ordinary Americans. Why

are we still there?

We can't even secure the borders. Why are we still there?

They are billions of dollars in debt and it will cost billions more to

rebuild, which we can't afford. Why are we still there?

It is becoming clear..



Wednesday, May 12, 2004

I just saw a headline that Queen Hillary Clinton would not accept a VP offer. The first thing that came to my mind was that John Kerry needs to be very, very careful. Think about this scenario- John Kerry dies in a tragic accident, so here comes the Messiah, Hillary Clinton, to save her party, and reluctantly accept the Democracked nomination. Considering the collection of dead bodies that the Clinton's have left in their wake, this possibility is not too far out at all. Especially if the accident happens with a gun, so that more obtrusive laws can be pushed through congress limiting the right of honest citizens to protect themselves, and with the sympathy that would be generated, man, she would have a very good chance of winning.

Friday, May 07, 2004

This is an interesting turn of events. The fight over allowing illegals to stay just ran into the fight over abortion. The liberal agenda is in a conflict of interest. On the one hand there is the desire to declare all unborn babies American citizens, thereby giving them the right to stay in the States. On the other hand, if they are citizens, they must also be "people", and it would then be illegal to kill the American citizen. Keep your eyes on this one.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Well, it looks like I got it back up. I had to go in, change the template, and republish the whole site. I lost all the personalised stuff I had done, but at least the site is working.
Sorry, the blog has been down. I think that there is some error on their code, because the page is there, but won't display. Weird.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

This just in from my friend Susan Pavilkey.

"Don't Move On" at www.dontmoveon.org which is a wonderful alternative to the anti-Bush "move on…" version.


We no longer live in the age of the 30-second sound bite. It's been reduced to about 10 seconds. It's very difficult to understand a politician's position on anything due to misinformation from opposing political commercials, sound bites on the news and misleading reports.

Project Vote Smart is a non-partisan Web site designed to inform. It provides background information, voting records and public statements. It's a great place to wipe out the mixed messages you may receive.


This just in from my good friend Matt Held.
I am trying to convince him that he should be a regular contributor, let him know if you agree!

I have plenty to rant about these days. As I'm sure you've been reading, we
North Americans (Canadians don't count) have entered into prolonged divisive
debate over the utterly inconsequential. We will be busy discussing:

+ Whether it is better to be taxed into *poverty* through income tax
or inflation.
+ Whether it is better to endure *oppression* from international
terrorists or international bankers.
+ Whether it is better to be *raped* for social welfare or corporate
+ Whether it is better to *die* from lack of insurance or lack of
effective medical treatment ala HMOs.

Here is my forecast: at the end of all of this the republicrats will win,
and regardless of which is elected, we will end up poor, oppressed and
f***ed to death.

The longer I live and the more I see the more I understand that the battle
is not with flesh and blood. None of these morons have the truth and our
government will eventually crumble under the greed of self-serving special
interests. The founders knew this, wrote of it and warned against it. The
good news is that we have entered an age of post-modern enlightenment; a
veritable age of reason where:

* We are shocked that the FCC would dare to think of censoring
Howard Stern and the morning sexcapades
* While we yawn as McCain-Feingold does away with the first

* We insist on more government funding for human cloning research
* While we protect the right to kill a partially born child.

* We strive to curry favor with Europe (where anti-Semitism is
* While "The Passion" is condemned as anti-Semitic

* We combat terrorism by doing away with the 1st, 2nd, and 4th
* While we leave our borders and our ports wide-open to every Tom,
Dick and Mohammed

* Noticing an attractive woman is sexual harassment
* While tassels are optional at the super bowl boob show.

* "Fucking" is a government-sanctioned "adjective"
* While "Faggot" is a homophobic hate-crime

* The Ten Commandments in school is offensive
* While the "Vagina Monologues" is a admirably appropriate public
school play

* Male on Male and Female on Female is a sacrament
* While man-and-wife is an oppressive social construct of male
dominant oppression and female codependency.

* Government's taxing the public less is an "INCREASED COST"
* While INCREASED government spending is a "CUT"

* People who work hard for an education, and take risks are "greedy"
* While people who neglect their education and live at the public
expense are "disadvantaged"

* Judges legislate from the bench
* While legislators attempt to judge from the legislature.

* The government subsidizes the exportation of jobs from America
* While it offers amnesty to criminals who enter the country
illegally to work.

So the sheeple will be fleeced as they gladly line up behind the Judas-goat
of their choosing to be lead off to their own demise. The mindless debate
over red-herring issues will continue while freedom is slowly stripped from
America. The anti-American press will not challenge any of the candidates
on constitutional issues. All of the people holding public office swore to
uphold and defend the constitution against enemies both foreign and
domestic, and they are the ones who have undertaken an all-out assault on
the constitution that they are sworn to protect and uphold.

The constitution is dead; soon America itself will suffer the same demise.

That's my rant.

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